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Infestation of leaf roller insect (Sorti) was seen in paddy fields in Sukma district

Agricultural scientists told effective measures for control and treatment

The state government is continuously providing advice to farmers for agricultural treatment through Krishi Vigyan Kendras. By identifying the diseases occurring in farming in the districts of the state district-wise, farmers are being informed about pesticide spraying. Information is being provided. In this connection, an infestation of leaf-roller insect has been observed in paddy fields in various villages of Sukma district. It is called leaf-roller or chitari or sorti. Methods and methods of spraying insecticides for its treatment have been described. .

Agricultural scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sukma, during their field visits to Murtonada, Permapara, Neelavaram, Togpal, Sonakukanar, Nayanar, Rampuram of the district, found an infestation of leaf roller insect in paddy fields, it is called leaf roller or chitari or sorti The larva stage of this insect damages the crop. The larva of this insect sticks the tip of the leaf or both ends of the leaves with its saliva. In this way, the larva lives inside it and eats the green part (chlorophyll) of the leaves by scraping it. Due to which white stripes appear on the leaves, due to which the process of making food in the leaves is not able to take place. The leaves affected by the insect later dry up and wither and the growth of the crop also stops. For its control and treatment For this, agricultural scientists advised farmers to adopt effective measures. These include keeping the fields and ridges free from weeds. Use nutrients in balanced quantities. Install T-shaped bird towers in the fields for the birds to sit. To catch night-walking insects, install light traps in the fields. If eggs or caterpillars are seen, collect and destroy them. Run a rope in the fields affected by the insect.

Agricultural scientists told that when the rain stops and the weather becomes clear, spray any one insecticide. Chlorpyrifos 20 EC 1250 ml per hectare or Cortaf Hydrochloride 50 Rs SP 1000 grams per hectare or Chloretaniliprole 18.5: S. C. 150 grams per hectare or Indoxacarb 15.80 percent EC 200 ml per hectare can be used for effective control. If the situation is not better, spray another insecticide after 15 days. For more information, visit Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Use chemical medicines only after contacting the scientists and agriculture department officials.

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