Under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, the Chhattisgarh government is giving many concessions to improve the economic condition of fishermen and fish farming farmers. To encourage fisheries, 60 percent subsidy is being given to the Scheduled Tribes and women. A subsidy of up to 50% is also being provided, due to which people of this class are also strengthening their economic condition by adopting fish farming.
Shri Jairam Kashyap, a progressive farmer of village Malawada in Dantewada district, has become an inspiration for other farmers by strengthening his economic condition through fish farming. Jairam, who has limited income from traditional farming, built a pond on his ancestral land in 2017. He started fish farming by making a pond. Taking advantage of these schemes under the guidance of the Fisheries Department, he got a pond constructed on his 1.25 acres of land and also installed a pond-liner in 25 decimals of land in 2023-24.
Mr. Jairam Kashyap adopted intensive fish farming technology and reared high breeds like Rohu, Katla, Mrigal and Common Carp. Seeds of fish like Sarangi (Fangal) are raised in his pound-liner. There is a continuous supply of oxygen in the ponds. And the fish are taken better care of using scientific methods. Mr. Kashyap is earning a profit of Rs. 5.5 lakh annually from fish farming, which is many times more than his agricultural income. Both his sons are helping him in this business. . Their fish gets sold easily due to high demand of fish in the local market.
It is worth noting that to encourage fish farming in Chhattisgarh state, fishermen are being provided grants for pond construction, equipment, supplementary food and fish seeds. Shri Jairam Kashyap told that he is building a poultry shed near his pond to generate income. Efforts are being made to increase the sources further. The schemes of the Chhattisgarh government and the efforts of progressive farmers like Shri Jairam Kashyap have made fish farming an attractive and sustainable business in Dantewada district. This success has also inspired other farmers of the region to take interest in fish farming. It is motivating.