Special on World Tribal Day 9 August

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has handed over the reins of the state to Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, keeping in view the 32 percent tribal population in Chhattisgarh. After 23 years of the formation of the state, he is the first tribal leader who has been entrusted with the command as the head of the state. With the formation of the new government in the state, he started schemes to advance farmers, women and deprived groups. He is working for the progress and betterment of all sections with the motto of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas.
The rich tribal culture of Chhattisgarh has a distinct identity in the country and abroad. The tribal areas of the state are covered with forests on one hand. On the other hand, these areas also have precious mineral wealth. The picturesque hills, waterfalls, and the graceful rivers attract people. After the formation of the new government under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, many innovative schemes are being implemented to bring rapid changes in the lives of the people in the tribal areas of the state and to include them in the mainstream.
Pradhan Mantri Janman Yojana is an ambitious scheme being run to provide all kinds of basic facilities to the tribal community. Under this scheme, important basic facilities like roads, electricity, housing, drinking water are being provided in tribal dominated areas. Along with this, the schemes of the Central and State Government are being implemented better.
To ensure rapid development of tribal areas, on the initiative of the Central Government, a huge steel plant has been set up in Nagarnar, Jagdalpur at a cost of about 23 thousand 800 crore rupees. This will change the entire picture of Bastar region in the coming years. A large number of people will get employment and new employment opportunities will be created.
Janjati Unnat Gram Abhiyan Yojana has been included in this year’s Central Budget. This scheme will provide various basic facilities to villages in about 85 development blocks of the state. Apart from this, priorities like promoting organic farming will also change the condition and direction of tribal areas.
To ensure rapid development of tribal areas, Raipur-Visakhapatnam Expressway is being built under Bharat Mala Project. It will be 464 km long and six lanes wide expressway. It will pass through Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. This expressway route will be built 124 km in Chhattisgarh, 240 km in Odisha and 100 km in Andhra Pradesh. This new corridor being built from Odisha to Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh will accelerate economic activities. At the same time, the establishment of new industries will increase employment opportunities.
On one hand, the number of security camps is being increased to provide security from Maoist terror in Bastar. On the other hand, innovative schemes like Niyyad Nellnar have been started to provide the benefits of welfare schemes of the Central and State Government to the villages falling within a radius of 5 km around the security camps. This scheme is yielding better and meaningful results. People’s faith in the government and administration is returning again.
The government is working rapidly to increase the income of the tribals and provide them basic facilities. The state government has continuously taken such steps, which have strengthened the relationship of the tribals with the forests. Along with the purchase of minor forest produce at the support price in the forest areas, the purchase of tendu leaves is also being done more systematically than before. The state government has sanctioned Rs 131 crore 52 lakh for the construction of buildings and hostels of 36 colleges. This will strengthen the infrastructure of 36 colleges of the state and will help in improving the educational environment. At the same time, the youth will get high level educational facilities and they will be able to move towards a better future.
The state government has increased the rate of remuneration for tendu leaves from Rs 4000 to Rs 5500 per standard sack. About 13 lakh tribal families are benefiting from this. In these areas, collection of minor forest produce is also being done through women self-help groups. Vandhan centers have been established for processing of minor forest produce.

75 Eklavya Adarsh Residential Schools are being run in the state to provide better education to the children of the tribal community. Apart from this, 15 Prayas Residential Schools are being run for the children of the Maoist affected area. In these schools, brilliant students are being prepared for the All India Medical and Engineering Entrance Examination. The number of seats in the Youth Hostel run in New Delhi for the preparation of the Union Public Service Commission examination has been increased from 50 to 185.
It has been decided to reorganize the Bastar, Sarguja, Central Area Tribal Development, Scheduled Caste Development Authority and Chhattisgarh State Rural Other Backward Class Development Authority to make their functioning systematic and effective. The command of these authorities will now be in the hands of the Chief Minister. Regional MLAs will be members of these authorities and the Chief Minister’s secretary or secretary will be the member secretary of these authorities.
For the conservation of tribal culture, trees are being planted under the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam campaign around Devgudias and Ghotuls and other historical heritage sites of Bastar region. This is increasing awareness among people towards environmental conservation, and natural beauty will also increase in such places.
SOURCE (Chhaganlal Lonhare/G.S. Kesharwani (Deputy Director) DPR RAIPUR)