Ramayana Mandali in central jail

The Central Jail in Raipur is now a hub of spiritual enlightenment, thanks to the Ramayana Mandali formed by 60 prisoners. They’re reciting Ramayana during festivals and Hanuman Chalisa every Tuesday and Sunderkand every Saturday. The main singer, Raghunath, serving a life sentence, has even formed a Ramayan Mandali in his village Diyagarh, Thana Lailunga, District Raigarh.
Another prisoner, Chakradhar, also serving a life sentence, learns Gita daily and writes commentary on Ramayana. He inspires fellow prisoners to do the same and discusses the verses of Gita with them. The administration has provided musical instruments to the group, and the prisoners are now connecting with spirituality, resolving their queries, and becoming positive towards life. They’re even being trained in the knowledge of Gita and correct pronunciation.