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H-Visa launched at HNLU: Exchange of scholars at international level

H-VISA (HNLU Visiting International Scholars Academy) a pioneering initiative to have a Global Academic Network has been launched by HNLU from the academic year of 2024. The H-VISA Programme is designed to attract academic scholars from across the globe to enhance mutual academic cooperation.

The H-VISA Programme is curated to facilitate academic scholars from leading Universities in the world to visit for teaching and research at HNLU. The H-VISA Jurists will be facilitated with campus accommodation, research cabins, secretarial assistance, research scholar assistance and other infrastructure. The H-VISA Programme will also sponsor International travel and suitable remuneration for their services during their engagement at HNLU.

Professor V.C.Vivekanandan, Vice-Chancellor of HNLU remarked on the  launch of H-VISA, “This programme is an earnest effort for international engagement of HNLU for its academic and research efforts. This will also enhance Raipur as a city of academic excellence in multiple domains of Law, Technology, Medicine and Arts.”

H-VISA Jurist will also be encouraged to join the Research efforts undertaken through the R-HaS ( Research Hub and Spoke) division of HNLU which has five research Schools of Law & Technology, Law & Governance, Law & Public Policy, Commercial Law & Arbitration, Law & Humanities

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