Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai), which holds a proud place in the field of
technical education, research, and development, organised the Hindi Pakhwada in a new way this
year. All the members of the institute took part in the Pakhwada events with zest and enthusiasm.
According to statistics, Hindi is one of the fourth most spoken languages in the world and Hindi
Pakhwada is organised every year at IIT Bhilai between 14-28 September to celebrate the legacy
of the language and its literary richness.
Like every year, this year too the event was held successfully in the institute with great
participation in competitions like essays, speeches, poetry recitation, and self-composed poetry
writing from students and staff. The Pakhwada concluded on 27 September with the address of
Prof. Rajiv Prakash, Director of IIT Bhilai. The winners of these competitions organised under
the Hindi Pakhwada were awarded cash prizes.
Hindi Pakhwada has proved to be effective in accelerating the awareness of language Hindi and
its progressive use in the office work of IIT Bhilai. The Hindi language is the simplest and most
widespread medium of communication, and it plays an important role in uniting diverse India.
Through the Pakhwada, all the employees not only understood the importance of Hindi but also
got inspired to do their day-to-day government work with Hind as the medium.