The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board invited online applications from candidates for recruitment exams for various positions through the Vyapam website, announcing the possible dates for written recruitment exams. Among these, the Assistant Grade-3 (HCG23) for the Chhattisgarh High Court in Bilaspur is scheduled for the morning of July 28, 2024, while the Laboratory Assistant (FDLTI24) for the State Judicial Science Laboratory is set for the morning of August 25, 2024, and the Laboratory Technician (FDLTI24) for the State Judicial Science Laboratory is scheduled for the evening of August 25, 2024.
Similarly, the Hostel Superintendent (TEHS24) Category ‘D’ exam for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Caste Development is set for the morning of September 15, 2024, while the Laboratory Technician (HELTI24) for the Higher Education Department is scheduled for the morning of September 29, 2024, and the Fisheries Inspector (FFI24) for the Fisheries Department is set for the evening of September 29, 2024, along with Assistant Statistics Officer.