Jagriti Sahu, who resides in the small village of Matwari in Durg district, has a story filled with inspiration. Despite being well-educated, she obtained postgraduate...
Minister Mrs. Rajwade, while inspecting the situated old age home, made an effort to understand the feelings of the elderly residents. During this time, some...
The Prime Minister's Crop Insurance Scheme is being implemented in Chhattisgarh to provide relief to farmers from crop losses caused by natural disasters. Chief Minister...
The Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Arun Saw, inaugurated the new branch of HDFC Bank in Shankar Nagar, the capital city of Raipur today. He congratulated...
Chief General Manager of SBI Madhya Pradesh-Chhattisgarh Circle Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma paid courtesy call on Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai at his residence office...
According to the compiled information by the State Revenue and Disaster Management Department through the State-level Control Room, the average rainfall recorded in the state...
Malaria The Bastar region, known for its dense forests and remote areas, has always faced a tough challenge in combating diseases like malaria. However, recent...