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Trump labelled Kamala Harris as vicious and dumb

Biden officially exited the race

Kamala Harris became the top candidate of Democratic party

Donald Trump speech
Kamala Harris

In a recent interview with The Post, former President Donald Trump made scathing remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her as both vicious and unintelligent. This marks Trump’s first significant public comments since President Biden withdrew from the Democratic nominee race, as he aims to solidify his support base. Trump’s criticisms were focused on Harris’s past controversies and her current role as Biden’s border czar, highlighting what he perceives as shortcomings in her leadership abilities.

Trump’s comments reflect a continuation of his confrontational approach towards political opponents, with Harris being the latest target of his harsh rhetoric. By attacking Harris’s character and competence, Trump is attempting to undermine her credibility and effectiveness as a key figure in the Biden administration. This public criticism also serves to rally his supporters and detractors of the current administration, as Trump positions himself as a vocal critic of the Democratic leadership.

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